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Motion Graphics work

Super Star Wars Battlefront 16bit trailer - A "derez" of the E3 2015 Star Wars Battlefront trailer:

The History of Fallout Power Armor - The curse office really got into Fallout 4 when it came out. This project was a blast to make.

Hearthstone Graphics Tests - Just a fun mock-up of some hearthstone tournament graphic animations.

Futhead YouTube channel Graphics Assets

Hearthstone Cards That Didn't Make the Cut - We did a bunch of hearthstone animations at Curse, so I ended up building a hearthstone card rig in After Effects that allowed you to easily customize a 3D card right in after effects.

Mediacom "August 2013" - Done completely in after effects with help of Element3D plugin

2014 Reel

Galactic Empire bumper

RIDE+ROCK "Save the Date" bumper

Motion Graphics work

A collection of motion graphics work I've done in the past. Instead of creating entries for each project, I've lumped them all here. This work was done between 2009 and 2017.
I've added extended descriptions to any videos with anything worth calling out.

More artwork